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Stuti jain

Student, Developer and Designer

I'm a rising sophomore studying Mechanical Engineering at the Delhi Technological University.
I have a passion for building simple technological solutions to everyday problems.
Feel free to get in touch or take a look at my past work below


Internship June 2022

Kudos, I got the mail from microsoft that I am an upcoming SWE Microsoft intern 2023.


I tried machine learning for the first time and learned about various algorithms to get the best recommendations. In the learning process, I designed and developed a movie recommendation algorithm in python using KNN nearest neighbor to recommend movies based on genre and content among 10000 movies from moviedb under 2 seconds. I implemented sign-up and payment features using firebase and Razorpay that enhanced ease of use by 30%. On the website, I also added a game feature of tic-tac-toe, which acted as a cherry on the top to get the user relaxed. I implemented the website using Python(Streamlit, NumPy, Pandas, and Sklearn library), HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript.

Website Link
Microsoft Engage May 2022

I got selected for the 1- month amazing Microsoft Engage Mentorship Program 2022.

LinkedIn CoachIn March 2022

I got selected for the 4-months euphoric LinkedIn CoachIn Program 2022.
Ps:) One of the 60 girls from the entire nation.

NEWOTES Dec 2021

Newotes is an interactive website that gives Weather information and daily news updates about technology, business, health, and Science in summarized points. We have an option to create and save notes in local storage.
I have used HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, News API, and OpenWeatherMap API to implement the website.

Github Link
Sudoku Solver Nov 2021

I learned how to create games using JavaScript and developed my first live game. I designed a sudoku solving algorithm that uses stochastic search to solve all 19000 sample sudoku problems in under 1 second.

Game Link
Recipe Watch Oct 2021

I implemented the website using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and mealdb API to get recipes for the ingredients of your choice. It differs from the traditional website as you don't need to search for thousands of recipes to have that vital ingredient but select from the recipes with that ingredient.

Website Link
Joketion Oct 2021

I learned how to make a chrome extension using front-end development tools. In the learning process, I created a chrome extension where you can read a new joke every time you click on the icon. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, API, and JSON are used for implementing the extension. We used website to extract jokes.

Github Link
Portfolio Website Sept 2021

I learned about basic front-end development and used that skill in creating my own Portfolio where I told about my projects and work. HTML and CSS have been used to implement the website.

Website link
DTU Consulting Group Casebook March 2021

I worked in the designing team of DTU-Consulting group.We designed the book using Canva. It is an initiative to prepare the future generations with the experiences of our exceptional aspiring consultants and strategic professionals

Tic toe game Feb 2021

I made a two-player Tic Tac Toe game in C++ language using arrays and functions.

Github Link
Post designing Jan 2021

I started learning canva and with the help of my designing skills I designed various post for social media platforms of DCG,Entrepreneurship-cell.

DTU Dec 2020

I started my Bachelors at Delhi Technological University.

How it all started... 2019

At this time, I started to have some interest in coding. In class 12th, I opted for computer science as my 5th subject ,and started learning C++ and created my first project as Library Management system.

Github Link

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